Monday, September 15, 2014

Day 19 - Confession

I have a confession. While I have been trying to reduce my sugar intake lately, I've utterly and completely failed the last few days and it is all because of this grocery store-end aisle-next to the register-Saturday impulse buy. It's so good, and so bad. It's pure sugar, packaged in bright little cone shaped seasonal yumminess. It's not even my favorite treat, but it is really hard to just have a couple.


Probably would be a good idea to just toss the rest out before I eat the whole bag! Instead, I'll take a picture and hope that there is someone reading that understands and next time I go to the store, I'll go to the check out aisle that has batteries or toilet paper on the end instead of candy.

Thanks for stopping by my little blog. See you tomorrow.


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