Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Day 27 - Puppy Chow!

Last week, I was craving puppy chow in the worst way. Not the kind you feed your little puppy, but the kind you make with peanut butter and chocolate. Sunday night, I decided not to wait any longer to make a little batch. It is so yummy...and addictive! This is definitely not something you are going to want to make very often, but it's super easy, and so so good.

Here's how I made it if you would like to make some of your own, but I warn you, if you make a full batch, you are going to want to share with someone.

Thanks for stopping by!




1 box Rice Chex (approx. 12 heaping cups)
1 1/4 cup semisweet chocolate chips ( I used Ghirardelli)
1 cup peanut butter ( I used Smuckers creamy all natural organic)
3/4 stick butter
2 cups powdered sugar

To Make:

In a small/medium saucepan over low heat, melt together the peanut butter, chocolate and butter. Stir constantly and make sure it doesn't burn. When it is completely melted, pour the mixture over the cereal in a large bowl and mix until the cereal is coated. A few clumps are okay, but make sure they are not too big.

Transfer the coated cereal and the powdered sugar into a garbage bag (unscented). Twist and knot the top of the bag and shake or just move around the mixture in the bag until the cereal is coated with the powdered sugar. Open the bag and let cool completely. Store the puppy chow in an airtight container or Ziploc bag.

This recipe made about 12 cups, but honestly, I didn't really measure it. I think it's supposed to last about a week at room temperature, but really, it won't last that long.

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