Thursday, January 1, 2015

Day 127 - Printing!

My mom and I have been looking at photos all day, looking for some of our favorites to print and put on the wall. We are mod podging them to canvases and doing a sort of family wall in her sitting room. Actually, last year we did the wall of canvases with black and whites, then in the summer we tried to do a color wall, but we didn't spent the time to do it right and we both hated it. So, we decided to add more to the existing black and white wall and just pick pictures we love. Also, adding the color ones too. My thought, if we love all the pictures, we will love the final wall. If we don't like the way the color and black and white look together, we can save up all of our favorite color pictures for a different wall. Maybe I'll put them on my walls until we have enough to switch them out. It will all work out. This is not how I expected to spend my day...everything always takes longer than you think it will...but, it does feel good to be printing some fun photos on my big printer again. I am about to finish up and spend some time with my husband and then a good nights rest before we head out of town to visit Robyn's family in North Dakota tomorrow. We are still not finished with Christmas celebrations! Love it!! :)

I hope you all had a fantastic time with your loved ones this Christmas and New Year's and I hope you all have high expectations of the coming year like I do. It's going to be a great year! Thanks for stopping in.


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