Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Day 189 - Timberwolves!

Basketball is kind of funny. I got tickets today from someone at work who couldn't go and we had a great time, but I can't help but feel that basketball is so funny. How is this game a professional sport that pays players millions of dollars? Don't get me wrong...we had fun, but it's the crowd and the music and the energy and the experience of going out to "a game" that is fun, not necessarily the game itself. So, we are seated and the team is warming up, the timer goes off to mark 7:00pm. The announcer announces the guest team (without much panache obviously) then the lights go down. They start some beats and start to announce the home team and each player gets whoops and claps and lots of fanfare. Then, the last player, Keviiiiiiiiiiiin Gaaaaaaarrrneeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet.....madclapping and screaming and hollering. Then the madness ends and the lights turn on and the spotlights stop twirling around and what do you have? Ten guys playing basketball. Like they are at the park playing hoops. Honestly, it's like when I'm at the gym looking over the gymnasium and watching the guys play basketball, only a little less interesting because they are always stopping and they are way too far away to see them clearly. Clearly, I'm not really a sports person. It just seems so funny to me. 

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