Monday, September 29, 2014

Day 33 - Social Squirrel and a Painting Experiment

Today is Monday! Normally, not really something to be excited about, but I am taking a watercolor class and it's on Monday nights. So, it's a good day. I went straight over after work and found a little grassy area where there is a picnic table and worked on a little experimental painting. Just trying out different techniques and feeling out what my brush can paints can do. Let me just mention at this point that I will be taking a jacket with me next week! It was COLD out there! Brrrr.

Anyway, as I was painting, I heard something behind me and when I turned, it was this squirrel. It was so close, it was kind of freaky. He kept coming towards me, the I tried to snap his picture and he would move away, then come closer. I was almost afraid he was going to run over and up my leg or something. Sheesh, these city squirrels are certainly friendly! So used to people around. Their suburban cousins are a little more private. Sorry the photo is a little blurry, but it's a squirrel!

Not sure if I totally want to share it, being an experimental painting, but I thought I would show my "wet on wet" painting from class tonight. I wanted to try to paint a landscape without drawing anything ahead of time. It's fun to see what the paint does when you put it down and swirl it around! I need to play around more during the week. Time for bed now though.

See you tomorrow!

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Day 32 - Hospital Halls

Hospital halls all look the same to me.

Yesterday, my mom was helping dad put siding up on the back of the house and fell off the ladder. Broke her leg. Hello hospital. I was a little tempted to post the pre-op picture of her, but I don't think that would be very nice. I certainly would not be happy if it were me.

Tomorrow starts another week and my second night of my watercolor class! Yay!

I can't believe this is my 32nd post! Time flies when you're having fun!

Thanks for stopping by! If you can't tell, I'm a little distracted and disjointed today. Better call it a night.

~ Rachael

Saturday, September 27, 2014

Day 31 - At the Movies

Not much going on today and I don't want to post too many pictures of quilting in progress, so, guess where I took my photo today?!

Day 30 - Better Late Then Never

So, I just realized that it is 12:15am and I forgot to post my picture before I got too involved in sewing. I'm working on an improve quilt and trying to put fabrics together. Ironing, cutting, sewing, ironing, cutting, sewing, know.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Day 28 - Dad's Garage

I love the look of an old garage, but it's not very practical. My dad is working on redoing the garage, so I thought I would steal a couple photos before it got all fancy and sheet-rocked.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Day 27 - Puppy Chow!

Last week, I was craving puppy chow in the worst way. Not the kind you feed your little puppy, but the kind you make with peanut butter and chocolate. Sunday night, I decided not to wait any longer to make a little batch. It is so yummy...and addictive! This is definitely not something you are going to want to make very often, but it's super easy, and so so good.

Here's how I made it if you would like to make some of your own, but I warn you, if you make a full batch, you are going to want to share with someone.

Thanks for stopping by!




1 box Rice Chex (approx. 12 heaping cups)
1 1/4 cup semisweet chocolate chips ( I used Ghirardelli)
1 cup peanut butter ( I used Smuckers creamy all natural organic)
3/4 stick butter
2 cups powdered sugar

To Make:

In a small/medium saucepan over low heat, melt together the peanut butter, chocolate and butter. Stir constantly and make sure it doesn't burn. When it is completely melted, pour the mixture over the cereal in a large bowl and mix until the cereal is coated. A few clumps are okay, but make sure they are not too big.

Transfer the coated cereal and the powdered sugar into a garbage bag (unscented). Twist and knot the top of the bag and shake or just move around the mixture in the bag until the cereal is coated with the powdered sugar. Open the bag and let cool completely. Store the puppy chow in an airtight container or Ziploc bag.

This recipe made about 12 cups, but honestly, I didn't really measure it. I think it's supposed to last about a week at room temperature, but really, it won't last that long.

Monday, September 22, 2014

Day 26 - Art School Days

Isn't it funny how the hallways in art school buildings all kind of look the same? They are all a little bit old, a little bit dirty (or a lot) and usually pretty empty. I'm taking a watercolor class at a local art college and it is so fun to be in an art classroom again. To be in a room full of people who are all interested in creating something or learning something about art. It's been a little while since I graduated and I've been wanting to take a class for a long time.

Not too long ago, my oldest friend came to town and we took a painting class at one of those places where they show you step by step what to do and they have drinks and food, etc. We had an amazing fun time, but it made me really think about what type of class I really wanted to take. I started looking for a watercolor class. I LOVE the way watercolors look, but I'm not very confident in it, so taking a class seemed like just the thing to get a little learnin', force myself to practice and be inspired to paint! I found a class and signed up. Tonight was the first class of five. It's Monday nights. I am excited to see how it goes, but at this precise moment...really tired. Off to dreamland.

Maybe when I've gotten a little more practice, I'll post some of the products of my class, but until then, hope you're enjoying the photos of my random daily life. :)

Thanks for stopping by!


Sunday, September 21, 2014

Day 25 - Not as Planned

Spent my day cleaning out closets. Not exactly a thrilling way to spend the day, but I've been meaning to do that for a long time! This is another mug rug I finished up yesterday.

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Day 24 - Stormy Sky

Today has been all about getting a couple of mug rugs done. I'm working on some samples for an art night that I lead for a group of ladies. The topics change every time and this time is all about quilting and the project will be making a mug rug. Narrowing down the pattern and everything we will need is something I've been thinking about as I work on these today. Lots to do still, but it's becoming more and more clear the more I work on them. Of course, I popped out to run to the quilt shop and to get some groceries and a storm rolled through. Safe and sound at home now, but I think it's time to get back to it.


Friday, September 19, 2014

Day 23 - End of a Long Week

It's been a long week and I am looking forward to a couple days of not seeing this view. With piles of papers everywhere and being overrun by emails. At home, I may be overrun with piles everywhere and papers to go thru too, but at least they won't multiply as soon as I look away. I'm going to do something fun this weekend. Just not sure what it is yet...

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Day 21 - Fall is Coming

Fall is definitely coming. You can tell when you drive by the corn field and it's over your head. Not that I am an expert, but I have lived here all my life and I know that is definitely an indicator that the summer is over, or almost over. Time to really savor every nice day and every moment that can be spent outside. It really was a beautiful Fall day. Hope it was nice wherever you were today!

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Monday, September 15, 2014

Day 19 - Confession

I have a confession. While I have been trying to reduce my sugar intake lately, I've utterly and completely failed the last few days and it is all because of this grocery store-end aisle-next to the register-Saturday impulse buy. It's so good, and so bad. It's pure sugar, packaged in bright little cone shaped seasonal yumminess. It's not even my favorite treat, but it is really hard to just have a couple.


Probably would be a good idea to just toss the rest out before I eat the whole bag! Instead, I'll take a picture and hope that there is someone reading that understands and next time I go to the store, I'll go to the check out aisle that has batteries or toilet paper on the end instead of candy.

Thanks for stopping by my little blog. See you tomorrow.


Sunday, September 14, 2014

Day 18 - Mug Rug Finished

It's been a busy couple days with my niece and nephew over, but I did squeeze in a little time to play with some fabric. My niece is working on her very first quilt (not bad for a 9 year old), so I took her over to the fabric warehouse to get some fun new fabrics for it. I've been wanting to get a few mug rugs made and after my first idea was kind of a bust, I decided to do something a little more simple instead. If there are any quilters reading, please don't look too closely. This is my first time making flying geese blocks and was a little distracted while I was making these. All in all, I am pleased with the way it turned out and I'm starting to see why so many people are into making mini quilts. The immediate gratification of finishing a cute little quilt in so short a time is wonderful. Also, it gives you a chance to try out different ideas without having to commit to a whole quilt to do it. I see more mini quilts in my future!

If anyone is wondering what a mug rug is, well, it's like a coaster, but a little bigger. Bigger than a coaster, smaller than a placemat. You can put your beverage on it, and a little treat...pastry, toast, cookie. Who couldn't use an excuse for a little snack with your beverage?

Saturday, September 13, 2014

Day 17 - Playing with Fabric

Playing with fabric today. Not sure how this will end up, so this is all I've got to show you so far. Maybe tomorrow...

Friday, September 12, 2014

Day 16 - Head in the Clouds

It's Friday!!!

Y.A.Y. Thought this day would never come...

The thought was to paint the office this weekend, but, it's shaping up to be a busy weekend and I don't want to bite off more than I can chew. I have plans with my niece to do a little sewing, so the morning will have to be spent moving tables, setting up sewing machines, moving my computer, etc. I'm so close to having a usable space, it's all I can think about!

I promise a more colorful picture tomorrow. There was a great picture I took at my company's "End of Summer BBQ" this afternoon, but it was of a co-worker and I didn't ask his permission to post it (argh), so, I had to look about me before the sun was gone. Glad I looked up.

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Day 15 - New Quilt Idea

Today, I was playing with the placement of the stars on a wonky star quilt I'm making and I came up with this. It's not wonky, but I'm kinda diggin' it! With the standard stars and the little baby stars inside some of them and a mostly linen, blue, green and cream pallet and pops of bolder colors randomly, I think this might have to go on my "to make" list. I'll just have to wing it with the wonky one. :) Later!


Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Day 14 - Two Weeks!

Fourteen entries, fourteen days of pictures. I've made it two weeks! This is so much fun. I did have plans to take a great, thoughtful picture for today's post, but of course, life does tend to get in the way of our ideas. We had plans tonight, so I only had about an hour by the time I got home from work and had to leave again. Because I'm feeling motivated to get the office finished, I decided to work on sorting through some fabric and getting it in drawers. So, this picture is of the bushes that are in the front of the house, taken on my way in from the car. They really are beautiful flowers and it is starting to feel like Fall out, so I don't mind getting a little picture of them now. Pretty soon, I will be taking a picture of the lovely mound of snow that will be there instead. Ugh. Snow. Let's not think about it right now. Just look at the pretty flowers...

Thanks to everyone who keeps coming back to look at my little blog. I know there is a lot out there to look at and read, so I appreciate every single visitor! See you all tomorrow!


Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Day 13 - Christmas Treasure in a Box

Hard at work still sorting and putting things away over here. Then, I run across a treasure like these light reflectors from my great aunt Ellie and I have to pause for a minute. Definitely going to put these up this Christmas. Lovely. Special.

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Day 11 - Perfect Cup of Tea

Today I made granola with my mom. I love my mom, but sometimes cooking with her can be a little bit of a challenge. I think this picture can capture some of the experience. Look very carefully. Now, my mom has some truly envy-worthy pieces of equipment in her kitchen, but seriously lacking in a few small yet oh so important items. We needed a tablespoon and a half teaspoon for the granola recipe. In her drawer, I found a "2 Tablespoon", a "just a pinch" and a "perfect cup of tea". It's a good thing it's pretty hard to truly mess up this granola recipe. My mom really is the best!

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Day 10 - Progress

There is so much stuff in this room! Am I the only one who is surprised at how much fits into drawers and bookshelves when you take it all out? I've been working in the office all day and I'm still not done. There seems to be other small and large projects that I've been running across as I've been sorting and sifting through things. It'll be some time before I'll all caught up, for sure!
Slowly, ever so slowly, I've been filling up the bookshelves in the closet and I think they are pretty much full now. Good progress though...and the day is not quite done. My hubby is still at work and I'm happily sorting and tossing and packing things into boxes, baskets and jars, all while I'm enjoying Doctor Who. Cybermen are about to take over the world. I'm such a geek. Can't help it though. I do kinda love it, Netflix is the best. Well, no more time to write, I should probably get a bite to eat and press on.

Friday, September 5, 2014

Day 9 - Fabric Wonderland and Weekend Plans

Believe it or not, my intension was NOT to buy any fabric when I stopped by the discount fabric warehouse on the way home from work today. Really. Honestly. Do you believe me?!?


You know how it goes. I found a couple fabrics that I thought were too cute to pass up and at this place, if you don't pounce on it, you might never find it again...seriously. I've been reading some quilting blogs lately and really getting some great ideas of things to try as soon as the home office/creative space is all sorted and put back together. It is a complete mess right now! And that is what I'm up to this weekend. I think I should give it a name like Project...Organization...(no)...Streamline...(that's terrible)...oh, I got it...Project "I am not a Hoarder". Perfect.

Last weekend was round one. I was able to go through quite a few boxes and tossed three garbage bags worth of stuff and have another three that are for either selling or giving away! The big shelf that was in there is now happily installed in it's new place in the basement and waiting to receive whatever boxes of things I need to keep, but don't need at my fingertips. I also was able to find a spot for a big cushy chair that was in the basement! Since I'm trying not to spend any money on this revamp (except maybe some paint later on) it's not all going to be "matchy-matchy", but more of an eclectic look, using the things we already have in the house. When I was looking at the room, deciding where everything was going to work the best, I realized that I have a lot of things that still need to go in the room, but I think it will be way more functional than before and hopefully, a little prettier.

So this weekend is round two. Finish going through everything and hopefully get everything where it needs to be. This is kind of an ambitious goal, but I'm up for a challenge. Painting and getting things on the walls and windows might not happen right away, but I'll get to that eventually too. Should I admit that I'll also hoping for a rug...eventually?

Wow, this feels like the longest post EVER! If you've made it this far, you're amazing! Thanks for sticking in there. See you tomorrow. :)

~ Rachael

Thursday, September 4, 2014

9.4.2014 - Day 8

As I was cleaning the office this weekend, I found this cross stitch in the closet. I wonder how many forgotten projects I have in boxes? Considering how long this actually took me to finish, why haven't I done anything with it? It's the first real cross stitch that I ever finished. Does anyone else do that? I really want to finish projects this year and hopefully, I won't just stick them in boxes and forget about them!

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

9.3.2014 - Day 7


For the last couple weeks, I've been sort of up to my eyeballs in zucchini. So, I've used it as an excuse to spend some time on Pinterest and search for different options for what to make with all of it. I made oatmeal zucchini chocolate chip cookies (yuck), different recipe for oatmeal zucchini cookies (better), lemon zucchini cookies with a glaze, "mom's" zucchini bread, chocolate zucchini bread, orange zucchini bread (disgusting), second recipe for orange zucchini bread (wow, what a difference) and tonight, lemon poppy seed zucchini bread. Now, I have a freezer full of yummy bread and a couple new recipes for what to do with all that zucchini from the garden. The recipe for the bread above can be found on Fabulessly Frugal. I think I'm addicted to Pinterest. Does anyone else get on there and lose all track of time?

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

9.2.2014 - Day 6

Last week, I tried making some granola. In true Rachael fashion, the first batch was a learning experience. Cooking is amazing when you end up with something you can be proud of. Something that tastes great, looks great, smells great, but when it doesn't taste great, look great, etc...I feel so deflated. Especially when you've spent lots of time and money trying something new. So, when I burned my first batch of granola, I was so disappointed. There were lots of nuts and expensive ingredients in it. Too many. My husband (who ate it even though it was a little too golden) said his jaw hurt a little after having a little bowl.

So this time, I tried a new recipe. Something a little more simple that I found on Pinterest. It was originally from Lovely Little Kitchen and I modified it just a little. I didn't have coconut oil or almond extract, so I used olive oil and cinnamon and also doubled the vanilla and added a half cup of raisins. This tastes so good! I really think that it would be crazy to buy granola ever again. It's so expensive at the store and this stuff is so easy to make! It's fast and delicious. Granola is one of those things you really can customize to how you like it. You can add or remove whatever ingredients you want. If you like granola, you should give this recipe a try!