Friday, January 30, 2015

Day 156 - New Work Contact Picture

So, after about a year of seeing people at work uploading picture into Outlook, I decided to take a quick selfie today and upload also. It's actually really nice to see a picture of someone you work with, but since you work on offices across the county, you never see each other. I thought it was time to give the courtesy to my coworkers as well. Couldn't wait until I lose a hundred pounds, or have a magic picture taken...

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Day 155 - Thirteen Hour Day

It's been a long day at work, I'm getting a lot done. Thirteen hours is a long time to be sitting at my desk. 

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Day 154 - Working Late

It's not that much fun to leave work when it looks like it did when you got there in the morning (minus a few cars). But, since I stayed home with a migraine yesterday, it's good to make up some hours. Get a lot of work done after regular hours too. Not too many people to interrupt you. Robyn and I went out to dinner tonight too, so we didn't have to worry about making dinner. Time to go to bed at an unearthly early hour so we can get up at an unearthly hour tomorrow and do it all again. Minus the dinner out next time though. Maybe a green drink for dinner tomorrow would be a good idea. 

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Monday, January 26, 2015

Day 152 - Fill the Tank

...and only $21.00 later! (Okay, so I wasn't completely empty, but still.)

Saturday, January 24, 2015

Day 150 - Decisions

I am never good at picking out a new lipstick. I guess it's too much to ask that the picture next to the lipstick is the same as what's inside the tube. Went with the one on the left, but coming from someone who normally picks out something that is just a little more pink than my normal lips, it is way too pink. Oh well, I guess I'll be colorful for a bit. How long does lipstick last again?! 💄

Day 149 - Overtime

When I use this door tonight, it will be pitch black. It looks much more inviting at  3:00...

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Day 147 - Oops

The car got an little jolt today. I confess, the picture was taken by someone else, but it was a sort of beautiful picture of a crappy situation. 

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Day 146 - Path

I'm so uninspired to take pictures lately. It is gloomy and dark all the time. 

Friday, January 16, 2015

Day 142 - Dinner

It's a picture from my real camera...of dinner. I'm not very imaginative today.

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Day 141 - Oh Walter.

For the past year and a half, I've been trying to change my mindset about food and exercise/activity. To be healthier on the inside and on the outside, and to lose weight. Now, I don't count calories, but today, I know I had an absurd amount.  I was way too hungry for the salad I brought to work and I had Panera for lunch. Whew, that is a lot of bread! A lot. I am still not hungry and that was seven hours ago. But, it did motivate me to jump on the treadmill and elliptical (not at the same time, haha) to move my body for a bit tonight. Doesn't it make it easier when you can watch the movie of your choice on a 60 inch tv at the same time?! That is what the home gym definitely has over the gym gym, oh, and we're saving $130 a month! Anyway, I know the picture kinda sucks, but I've been lazy lately with the photos. It's really hard when it gets dark at 4:00 and I don't get home until about the same time. I'll be better. Real picture tomorrow. Promise. 

Thanks for popping in! Later. 


Tuesday, January 13, 2015

Day 139 - So Tired

Robyn and I actually went down to the basement and worked out tonight. Kind of invigorating, but now, I'm a little tired. 

Monday, January 12, 2015

Day 138 - Family Feud

This is as exciting as I get today. Watching a little Family Feud. 

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Day 137 - Rejection

One thing I've learned as someone who eats some pretty healthy stuff once in a while, is that you better be prepared for rejection.

"I made too much of my green smoothie. Would you like some?"
"No, I'm good."

"I have some kombucha. Would you like some?"
"No thanks."

I don't know why...this smoothie was delicious!

Saturday, January 10, 2015

Day 136 - Wall Project

Working on the canvas wall today. Pretty excited about it! Frustrating dealing with my broken computer/monitor though. We're making some good progress though. I'll try to take one of the finished wall when we get everything up. 

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Day 133 - Everyday Winter Scenes

There's nothing spectacular about it in and of itself, but there is a sort of beauty in the everyday scenes of winter. With the clean fresh winter snow covering the fall leaves were they had so recently been so colorful and glorious themselves a couple short months ago. The little mountains made from shovels and snow blowers. When it is below zero and wind chills get to be unbearably low, it's good the take pleasure in the little things. 

Sunday, January 4, 2015

Day 130 - Headed Home

...and since we have nothing in our fridge at home, we're stopping for a little milk.

Thursday, January 1, 2015

Day 127 - Printing!

My mom and I have been looking at photos all day, looking for some of our favorites to print and put on the wall. We are mod podging them to canvases and doing a sort of family wall in her sitting room. Actually, last year we did the wall of canvases with black and whites, then in the summer we tried to do a color wall, but we didn't spent the time to do it right and we both hated it. So, we decided to add more to the existing black and white wall and just pick pictures we love. Also, adding the color ones too. My thought, if we love all the pictures, we will love the final wall. If we don't like the way the color and black and white look together, we can save up all of our favorite color pictures for a different wall. Maybe I'll put them on my walls until we have enough to switch them out. It will all work out. This is not how I expected to spend my day...everything always takes longer than you think it will...but, it does feel good to be printing some fun photos on my big printer again. I am about to finish up and spend some time with my husband and then a good nights rest before we head out of town to visit Robyn's family in North Dakota tomorrow. We are still not finished with Christmas celebrations! Love it!! :)

I hope you all had a fantastic time with your loved ones this Christmas and New Year's and I hope you all have high expectations of the coming year like I do. It's going to be a great year! Thanks for stopping in.
